Monday, December 17, 2007

Video -- Week 9 - #21

I spent way too much time looking at podcasts. I wanted to put a funny one on my blog. I finally just settled for frogs. I subscribed to "Mother of All Podcast Feeds," we'll see how that one goes.

For your listening pleasure................

It's A Frog's Life Acoustic Podcast

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Video -- Week 9 -- #23

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? I really liked learing flickr better. I have used it not only for work but for personal uses.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? This program has given me a great deal more confidence in learning new technology. I learned it is not as difficult as I had imagined!

Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? I was really amazed at the team building that occured. It was also a lot of fun.

What ideas do you have for using these technologies at Harris County Public Library? I would really like to see the branch pages make more use of the videos/virtual tours. I love to see libraries on utube. It gets our face out there in the public more.

What else do you want to learn about? What other web 2.0 applications are you interested in? I don't have a specific one. I don't even know what all is available out there! I may not know what it is but I do know it is there.

Video -- Week 9 -- #22

Librivox - It is a good site if you are looking for classics. I likes Wowio much better. Visually it was much more appealing. The selection was not bad either.

But I have to say I really love the HCPL site and use if faithfully. I have several titles waiting to be downloaded right now.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Video -- Week 9 -- #20

YouTube. Besides the fact that my One Minute Marketing Tip is a diplay of the worst acting. I got really caught up and waisted SO much time watching video's on Paul Potts. Why??? Did you see them?? Once you see one you just can stop!

I see the great value in using this for the library. It is just what we need to get our face out there. But using someone other than myself. ;)

Network -- Week 8 -- #19

I created an account with zoho writer. I really like that I was able to copy and paste right from MS Word and the format stayed. The icons are all very familiar! This makes it easy to use.

The templets are nice. I like the speech one.

This has already come in handy for customers who did not have a disk/flashdrive to save their work.

Newwork - Week 8 -- #18

Social Networking.

I looked at yahoo!360. I think that social newtorking sites are interesting, but not something I would use in my personal life. Well, never say never, I have not come upon a reason to use them yet.

I looked around MySpace, Rate My Space and Linked in. There sure is an interest in these kinds of sites. So many people are staying connected this way.

Library 2.0 -- Week 6 -- #15

Away from the “icebergs,” I liked the three icebergs he mentioned. the "just in case" collection is something that does need to go. Sometimes it is easy to identify and other times it is not so easy. This is a hard one for some to let go. Even though you see the librarians reaching towards electronic sources everytime, they want to keep the "book" just in case. Reliance on user education is very important. For example the public catalog. Most find it difficult to use and give up and want the librarian to do it for them. They get frustrated that it is not intutive. We don't have enough librarians to teach them to use it so we just do the search and never help the customer learn. The “come to us” model of library service - hense, the 23 things!

To a temporary place in time... I loved the description of libraries and librarians! It is interesting how long library 1.0 lasted compared to library 2.0. It will be very interesting to see library 3.0. I wonder what the avitars would look like in one of Karen Marie Monings books! hmmmm

Library 2.0 - Week 6 -- #14

I did a search for Library 2.0 in Blog directory and got 545 hits. We were not mentioned in the top 10. I'm suprised! I did another for Library 2.0 in posts tagged and got 960 hits, again not in the top ten.

I did the search of the popular blogs and was a little suprised with the top searches listed. Who is Zeldman? I could not figure it out even looking at some the the posts. Top blogs, boing boing? Why?

Library 2.0 -- Week 6 -- #13

I've taken a look at the iHCPL account in del.ic.ious and the pink color makes it very hard to read. I did a little looking around and was impressed with the sites that have been added. I also did a couple of searches and liked what I got. My husband is going to love the SouthPark and Simpsons avatar sites. I can see this being useful in the future. I will have to go back and play with it some more to get really comfortable with it.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Week 5 Library Thing

This is a great tool to help me build books on how to secretly observe someone. I especially like the book, Sleuthing 101: Background Checks. I think this will help me to uncover some of the suspicious behaviors of librarian look-a-like. She is posting from undisclosed location. I am going to make a list of all of these strange occurrences.

Note to self: Need more steno pads and new pens.

Week 5 - Image Generators

Yahoo! Avatars
I think it is time to go and see if I can find out exactly what librarian look-a-like is up to. Some VERY suspicious activities have been reported!

Week 4 - Finding Feeds

I am so glad I was able to search using Bloglines search tool. I was able to find new information regarding Nancy Drew. I feel much better knowing that she is still solving mysterise and continues to us the newest technology. I have always felt she was ahead of her time and this shows that she still is.

Note to self: That librarian look-a-like is still acting suspicious.

Week 4 - RSS

I believe that by subscribing to several key sites I will be able to find clues to help solve the mystery sourounding the woman in the mysterious tapestry. I think that the blog that is run by the librarian look-a-like is a little shifty. I will be monitoring all the new posts coming in to see if it can help. I will be keeping my eyes and ears open!

Week 3 -- Photo Editing Tools

I think if we look closer at the woman in the Mysterious Tapestry we might find a clue. She is holding a strange instrument. Maybe it could help us understand what they are doing!

Week 3 -- More Flickr Fun

I think now would be an approate time to stop and reflect on those that inspire all of us that are true librarian sleuths at heart. There is always that one great role model that we must remember and pay homage to.

Week 3 -- Discover Flickr

Well I finally got the mysterious tapestry posted. It took a lot of effort and dedicated detective work. I feel very exhausted and will need to go and see if Hannah is in the kitchen. I sure could use a nice cup of hot tea and some of her lemon cookies right about now. I'll keep you posted on any new developments.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 2 --Assignment

I have always enjoyed learning. I want to know what people are talk about and I want to keep current with the changes. This is a great way to continue to learn about all this new technology. The hardest part for me is doing it. I can always think of five other things that need my attention! But I will not waver! I will uncover as many mysteries about this techno world that I can! After all I am.........LibrarianSleuth.


My very first post on my shiny new blog. I am so very happy to see the spell check option! It is one of my favorite tools to use.