Friday, December 14, 2007

Library 2.0 -- Week 6 -- #15

Away from the “icebergs,” I liked the three icebergs he mentioned. the "just in case" collection is something that does need to go. Sometimes it is easy to identify and other times it is not so easy. This is a hard one for some to let go. Even though you see the librarians reaching towards electronic sources everytime, they want to keep the "book" just in case. Reliance on user education is very important. For example the public catalog. Most find it difficult to use and give up and want the librarian to do it for them. They get frustrated that it is not intutive. We don't have enough librarians to teach them to use it so we just do the search and never help the customer learn. The “come to us” model of library service - hense, the 23 things!

To a temporary place in time... I loved the description of libraries and librarians! It is interesting how long library 1.0 lasted compared to library 2.0. It will be very interesting to see library 3.0. I wonder what the avitars would look like in one of Karen Marie Monings books! hmmmm

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